International Sex Survey
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Americanii ca de obicei codasi in toate
Men’s Healt US:
It’s official: Foreign men have more sex, with more women, than American guys. We traveled the globe to find out how they do it. (And no, it’s not their accents.)
2 dedicate barbatilor.
Un sondaj realizat la Australieni, desi eu zic ca e valabil universal mai putin la adeptii Islamului
Men in search of true happiness should steer clear of bimbos and dumb blondes: research shows men are happiest if they marry smart women.
Every extra year of education a wife has under her belt significantly increases the chances her husband will report being highly satisfied with life. But Shane Mathew Worner, of the Australian National University’s economics program, says it may be that an educated woman’s earning power is her biggest asset.
In a paper to be presented at the HILDA Survey Research conference this week, he says “the higher the education level of the wife, the happier the husband is.”
A 2-a vine de la revista Men’s Health.
iar Felicia Abaza de la Men’s Health Romania a castigat toata stima si respectul meu!
Romania : Play it Straight
Meeting women is easy, if you’re not sidetracked by insecurity (“Is she looking at me?”, coy games (“Have our waitress ask her waitress what she’s drinking”, or body-language interpretation (“Dude, her eyes say no, but the angle of her feet says olé!”. When Romanian men want a woman, they tell her. “The men here have a lot of self-confidence,” says Felicia Abaza, sex editor of Men’s Health Romania. “And the women are tuned to respond to it.”
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