The Secret

A short movie by Esbjörn Production.

IT-Media, John Bauergymnasiet, Jönköping, Sweden

Tim Lindström
Esbjörn Larsson
Alexander Gustafsson

Alexander Gustafsson
Tim Lindström
Esbjörn Larsson

Alexander Gustafsson

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cu morala 9

Strictly Sexual


Chiar o poveste faina, 99% apropiata de realitate. Mai putin faptul ca nu gasesti chiar pe toate drumrile pe cate una care sa-i placa sa o legi de pat.

In rest o explicatie scurta si la obiect despre cum functioneaza o relatie.

Iar daca auziti pe cate una cu fraza “nu inteleg barbatii”, recomandatii acest film

Escape From City 17

Directed by The Purchase Brothers.

The Escape From City 17 short film series is an adaptation based on the Half Life computer game saga by Valve Corporation. Originally envisioned as a project to test out numerous post production techniques, as well as a spec commercial, it ballooned into a multi part series. Filmed guerilla style with no money, no time, no crew, no script, the first two episodes were made from beginning to end on a budget of $500.

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it's missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe.

vremuri de rahat

Pentru o perioada ceva mai mare de timp nu o sa pot pleca din Constanta in cautarea unui job.

Solutiile sunt cam in felul urmator:

1. Deschid o shawormerie sau ma fac peste (singurele chestii care merg in CT)

2.  sau20080110171149_nerdsigns.jpg

culmea disperarii

Culmea disperarii in online: Sa iti faci reclama la feed-ul rss … la radio.

Ar cam echivala cu impartitul de flyers la linia erotica la iesirea din biserica.

